Join Caroline for Writing the Hermit Crab Essay, on Wednesday, June 15, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. ET. In this webinar, writers of all levels will learn about the essay form and how it may benefit their writing.

During this webinar, participants will learn about various hermit crab forms, make use of readings to further explore the hermit crab essay, and discuss how writers might make use of the hermit crab essay in their own works-in-progress. More details below.


What is a hermit crab essay?


The term was first used by Brenda Miller and Suzanne Paola in their 2003 book (now in its third edition) Tell It Slant. The hermit crab refers to an essay that—just as you may have guessed—unfolds within the shape of another form (think of your idea as a hermit crab and its new shell as the shape of the idea). This might be, for example, in the form of a questionnaire, how-to, dating app survey, manual, or recipe. No matter the “shell” you choose, your essay will borrow its structure to help tell the story you wish to write.


6 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. ET:

Introduction to the hermit crab essays.

6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. ET:

Discuss examples of hermit crab essays. (Readings will be sent in advance of class.)

7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. ET:

How to make the hermit crab essay work for your writing.

7:30 to 8:00 p.m. ET:

Q&A portion of the session.

*Note: This is a Zoom webinar. There will not be a workshop element. Participants are encouraged to submit questions throughout the webinar that will be answered during the Q&A portion of the day.


About the Instructor


Caroline Shannon Karasik’s work has appeared in The Cut, Tonic, Narratively, Catapult, Vice, Women’s Health, and other publications. She is currently an instructor at Catapult and an MFA candidate in Antioch University’s creative writing program.

Caroline is currently at work on a memoir. She lives in Pittsburgh with her husband, daughter, and five adopted cats. You can find her on Instagram @carolineshannonkarasik and Twitter @CSKarasik.

Caroline is your go-to gal for all things pitching. She’s got her finger on the pulse, a keen eye, and is articulate and well-read as you can get. Caroline’s essays and angles challenge me to think more deeply, and her enthusiasm and dedication to her peers and colleagues are admirable.
— Chloe Caldwell, author of THE RED ZONE & I'LL TELL YOU IN PERSON